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chicken these days, just ain't normal!

With mass production of food comes mass confusion on what is in our food.  Even the process that our food goes through before it ends up on our plates is difficult to know for sure. We believe simplicity and transparency are vital in growing our food and maintaining an honest to goodness product. 


grass & bugs

We give our chickens the life of a chicken!  They are out on pasture the majority of their lives, where they can forage and scratch and peck.  Placing them on pasture provides them with a healthy and nutrient dense diet of grasses, bugs, seeds and worms.  They are moved onto fresh pasture daily so they never run out of the delicious salad bar the pasture provides.

sun & fresh air

Unlike traditional chicken producers, our chickens get to enjoy sunlight and fresh air!  They need sunlight to help regulate a good eating and sleeping schedule for optimal health as well as provide them with necessary Vitamin D.  The fresh air is especially important for a chickens' respiratory system, they need regular good clean air to support healthy lungs.


manure for pasture

Not only are the chickens living the life, but our pastures are regenerated and built up by the chicken manure.  The daily movements that we make for our chickens to give them a fresh salad bar, also allows the pasture opportunity to rest and for their good nutrient dense manure to soak into the soil making it more healthy!

happy eating

All of these differences in our farming style makes the difference when it comes to the final product.  The chicken that we grow are halthy and hearty, full of a well balanced diet.  They dont need any antibiotics because of the way they are raised.  And our customers can see and taste the difference!  Our process and finished product is friendly and safe for all!

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